Darlington DSS Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC (#44) & BOB WORKING GROUP Shortlist from Keith Nathan Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 1st Open Bitch, CC (#16) & BOS (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I had an amazing day at Darlington where judge, insert picture, Christina Chapman awarded Guy & Lori their 6th 'double' from an entry of 54 Danes. Many thanks to Candice for stepping in with Lori, to Tammy for capturing the photo and for all the congratulations on this special day. Judge Christina Chapman's critiques; OD (4) 1st Chappell's Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy, 3yr almost mature dog with very good head and muzzle, good eyes, well set ears, strong neck and great topline with good shoulders, strong loin and muscled thighs. On the move uses his hocks well and the ground so easily had to have the CC & BOB. OB (2) 1st Chappell's Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori, super bitch, good head, eye and muzzle, overall looks powerful yet feminine. Well balanced, good bone, nice chest and very good feet. Moved with drive and reach and looked so easy from all directions. CC and pushed hard for BOB.
Richmond GCDS Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, RCC Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 1st Open Bitch, CC (#15) & BOS (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Our sincere thanks to first timer Allyson King for appreciating our Danes and awarding as she did. Extremely proud of them both and their performance in the heat, it was overpowering for a dog show! Judge Allyson King's critique - Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori, 3 years Fawn litter mate to RDCC. Impressive shape on the stand. Rich deep Fawn with good mask. Lovely balance to skull and muzzle ratios. Strength of muzzle and good depth with set square dentition and well fitting flews. Lovely reach of neck into well laid shoulders deep brisket and width to chest. Stands on straight front legs underneath her body with good elbow fit, firm pasterns and shape to feet. Firm top line and loins with nice bend to stifles and low set hocks, croup give lovely tail set and carriage. Moved out well here showing a positive ground covering action keeping her shape and elegance. BCC.
Lesley and I are naturally delighted with the 'Halfway' results in the Arden Grange Top Breeder Competition.
City Of Birmingham CA Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC (#43) & BOB WORKING GROUP 3 (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I would like to thank breed judge Liz Dunhill for appreciating Guy and Stuart J Mallard for the WORKING Group 3. Absolutely delighted! Great to see Guys son, Nia's Goldania's King Of Drago, win Best Puppy In Breed.
Lesley and I are delighted that Guy continues to top the leader board for the breed at the halfway stage. He was Top Dane in 2021, Top Dane and TOP WORKING in 2022 and is heading in the right direction for 2023!
Welsh Kennel Club Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC (#42) & BOB (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I would like to thank breed judge Rony Doedijns for appreciating Guy and Sigurd Wilberg for the Group Shortlist. Congratulations to all the other winners on the day. Judge Rony Doedijns critique OD (5,0) 1. Chappell's Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy. Nice type, very nice in silhouette, nice in head and proportions, correct in top and underline, very easy mover. DCC & BOB.
Bournemouth CA Championship Show Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 1st Open Bitch, CC (#14) & BOB (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Following on from her BIS last weekend at the parent club, The Great Dane Club (beating over 110 other exhibits) today she was awarded the CC & BOB from an entry of 20! Sincere thanks and appreciation to our breed judge Jeff Horswell who clearly recognised her qualities. In the Working Group, incidentally from 399 Working Dogs entered, she was awarded Group 4 from Tim Ball. Lesley and I are so, so proud of her performance, never put a foot wrong and thank you to those who stayed behind and supported, greatly appreciated. Many congratulations to all the other winners including Jill with her #1st CC and Tammy who picked up a few special wins as well today.
The Great Dane Club's 140th Anniversary Championship Show Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 1st Open Bitch, CC (#13) & BEST IN SHOW (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) What a marathon three days! The culmination being today where, from an of over 110 Great Danes, Lori topped the lot! Lesley and I express sincere thanks to judge Jill Cranfield for this honour - Lori was BIS here back in 2021 and at the 110th Anniversary (back in 1993!) we went BIS with Ch. Selmalda Rainbow Warrior! Many congratulations to all the other winners over the past few days, we've enjoyed our time with you all. Judge Jill Cranfield’s critique Open - 1st Ms L & Mr A Chappell’s Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori (AI). Wow. This girl had everything I was looking for and more to spare, she didn’t stop showing from the second she walked in the ring and had a real dash & dare about her, quite a strong bitch but still feminine, excellent length of fore face which matched her back skull, well set ears which she uses all the time keeping her looking alert, as soon as her owner lifts his hand her neck grows even longer, excellent angles for and aft, good deep spring of rib and excellent chest. Her tail never stopped wagging wanting to please her handler. The power, reach and drive she had going around the ring was a wonderful sight, I was very happy to award her the CC and with the Referees decision Best in Show. So well deserved. Huge congratulations.
Leeds CDS Ltd. Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC (#41) & BOB WORKING Group Shortlist (final 8) Ernie Paterson (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley & I had a smashing day at Leeds! Sincere thanks to breed judge Robin Newhouse who not only awarded Guy the CC/BOB but also his daughter, Rimor Athenas Kyss (left), owner bred by Neil & Christine Morgan, won her all important 3rd CC and is now Champion (STRKCC)! Her litter brother, Rimor Aurelius, was awarded the RDCC for owners Sandy Lipman & Sheena Booth! It was a BRINDLE day! Many congratulations to all the other winners on the day.
National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC (#40) & BOB WORKING Group 2 (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I would like to thank breed judge Candice Dyson for appreciating Guy and Group judge Robin Newhouse for rewarding Guy so highly in such a lovely Group. Congratulations to all the other winners on the day.
Windsor Championship Dog Show Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC (#39) & BOB. WORKING Group Shortlist (final 6) Maggi Bryant Eukanuba Champion Stakes Day 2 Winner Ian Millar (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Breed judge Tan Nagrecha's critique - OD (1) 1st Chappell's Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy - fully mature Brindle who ticks all the boxes, upstanding and proud, certainly stood out in the male entry today, parallel head planes with correct skull without being flared, strong muzzle and ideal lip line, proportions are good with excellent ribbing, sound and steady mover with a good foot fall, DCC & BOB.
There was an entry of 68 Danes awaiting appointed judge Jan Rual at Blackpool Championship Dog Show. Jan awarded our own Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st in his respective Open Dog class, followed with the Challenge Certificate and ultimately Best of Breed! As you can see from the photo by the time the breed judging had concluded it was rather blustery! As the Working Group was called the heavens opened! Andrew Brace judged the Group, claiming it was one of the 'strongest Groups he had ever judged - anywhere in the World' and duly shortlisted Guy down to the final 11.
Lesley and I travelled with Guy to Kelso where breed judge Alaine Flower was appointed, attracting an entry of 52 Danes. Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy duly topped his Open class and following further assessment was awarded the CC and BOS.
Southern Counties CA Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog & CC. Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 2nd Open Bitch, RCC. (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I thank judge Jan MacDonald for appreciating our Danes and congratulate all the other winners today. It was a lovely relaxed show, lots of sunshine and laughs.
Bath Canine Society - Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy - 1st Open Dog, CC & BOB Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori - 2nd Open Bitch, RCC (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend sincere thanks to breed judge Jean Lawless for appreciating our Danes. Also, to Caroline Rees, Working Group judge, who awarded Guy Working Group 3 in such a quality Group. Jean Lawless' critique reads as follows, 'Have always admired this handsome Brindle and delighted to have the opportunity to go over him. Impressive standing, harmonious in outline, well presented in excellent condition, and of good size, bone and proportions. Pleasing well structured head, elegant well placed stop. Lovely eye and expression. Excellent ears for size and set. Nicely unbroken line from his crested neck down to the well laid back shoulder, firm topline and correct croup. Deep chest with well developed sternum, and nice underline. Excellent feet and effortless springy movement sound always. Expertly handled and well deserving of the Dog CC and BOB and delighted to see him later go 3rd in the Working Group, congratulations.' The South Western Great Dane Club held their Championship Show on the day where Tina Teese judged the breed. Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy - 1st Open Dog, CC & RBIS/BOS. Thanks to Tina for Guy's awards! Well done to all the other winners on the day, Lesley & I are thrilled with our awards today and enjoyed the company ringside.
The Scottish Kennel Club - Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy - 1st Open Dog, CC & BOB Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori - 2nd Open Bitch, RCC (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend sincere thanks to breed judge Glynn Payne for appreciating our Danes. Also, to Graham Hill, Working Group judge, who shortlisted Guy in the Group. Well done to all the other winners on the day, Lesley & I are just about to have a drink to celebrate! Judge Glynn Payne's critique - OD (6,1) 1st Chappell's Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy. This is a GREAT DANE - he has size, substance and soundness. Beautiful head with every component in the right place. Excellent front construction with well boned legs and fantastic feet. Correct height to length of body ratio and strong hindquarters. He has such a sound fluent action as he covers the ground with ease controlled by his skilful handler. Pleased to award the Dog CC and then Best Of Breed.
Lesley & I were delighted to receive from the NDDC their latest magazine featuring our very own Cruft's Best of Breed winner! Thank you, looks amazing.
From an entry of over 130 Danes breed judge Janis King selected our own Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy as her Open Dog winner, her CC winner and ultimately Best Of Breed. A fabulous moment for Lesley and I and memories that will stay with us for such a long time. Into the Group and Ann Ingram short listed Guy down to her final seven in the big green ring.Sincere thanks to Janis and the numerous spectators and exhibitors who offered their support and congratulations on the day and thereafter. Of course to the numerous photographers who have captured these special moments. What a thrill!
Over to Stafford for Manchester DSS where the breed was judged by leading all rounder Albert WIght. Albert had attracted an entry of 60 Danes making 68 entries and awarded his DCC to our own Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy. In the bitches he awarded our own Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori the RCC - what a great day in the breed! Guy also competed in the Eukanuba Champion Stakes where Lee Cox was officiating. Delighted to be awarded second place in such a quality entry and equally delighted with Lee's critique who wrote, 'CHAPPELL, Ms & Mr Lesley & Adam Ch Selmalda Jealous Guy (AI). It’s no secret that I love this Brindle Dane male too. His head and expression are simply delightful, he has a wonderful outline and really uses himself on the move. He has balance of leg and not too long in body. In optimum condition and handled beautifully as ever.' A super day!
At Boston DCS we had leading all rounder Tim Ball assessing an entry of 39 Danes, making 50 entries (no CC's on offer). Lesley and I were so pleased that he awarded Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st in his Open Dog class and ultimately Best Dog. Guy's full sister Lori, Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori also topped her Open Bitch class and then Best Bitch. In the challenge Guy was awarded BOB. As Danes were fourth in the ring we didnt have to wait long for the Group and Tom Johnston awarded Guy 3rd amongst a really strong line up of winners. Tom Johnstone wrote the following about Guy - 'G3 Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy. Great Dane, handsome, masculine head, strong and of good length but not overdone, good muzzle. Medium sized dark eye, well set triangular ears. Long neck into well placed shoulders. Deep body, well sprung rib, strong loin and firm back. Good tail of good length. Well angled muscular rear, quality bone and good well arched feet. Presented in particularly good coat and condition. Balanced and holds shape when covering the ground with free steady action with good head carriage.'
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