Selmalda News

LKA concludes 2024


At the final Championship Show of the 2024 campaign Fran Kaye judged the breed and awarded Ch. Selmlada Jealous Guy his 65th Challenge Certificate! What a year the the team have had!



The final Club Championship Show of the campaign witnessed Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy claiming his 64th CC from judge Alan Mease. Here is his critique - Open dog 1st Open - Chappell, Mrs L & Mr A - CH Selmalda Jealous Guy (AI) Brindle of 4 years of age, well what does one write of a dog that so much has been written before? By far the best dog of the day he just stands away from the rest on his overall breed type and balance - I now know why he is top male in the breed and thank you for bringing him for my opinion. He has the best of heads with correct planes and balance to it good ear size and set, wonderful eye and expression correct bite with strong jaw, his neck is strong arched and leading into the best of shoulders with great return of upper arm giving him good reach in front movement, great bone and the tightest of feet, deep in body with well sprung rib carried well back, his topline is firm and carried well at all times be it on the stack or movement, his hind angulation compliments the front angles perfectly, with strong hocks, his movement is a joy to watch from any angle so true and sound covering the ground with ease CC & RBIS.

SWGDC Top 12 Hat Trick!


A hat-trick of Top 12 Super League Wins! Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I are beyond proud of the BREED RECORD HOLDER who never fails to put in 100%. Sincere thanks to judge Tim Hutchings (Winuwuk) for recognising his qualities and all the ring side support - it is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to all the qualifiers and winners on the day and of course Carol and her South Western GDC who hosted the event - many thanks! Judge Tim Hutching's critique - 'Super League Dogs 1st Chappell’s Ch Selmalda Jealous Guy top quality male, brimful of breed type and I really don’t think I have ever seen him look or perform better. Completely masculine but elegant with it. Superb angulation front and back, perfect overall proportion, strong topline and all of a piece. His head is magnificent with all the quality, detailing, length, balance and proportion that you could wish for. Presented in tip top condition. Moves with the scope and drive that you would expect from his copy-book angulation and he is 100% accurate on the down and back. A magnificent Great Dane who, in the final analysis, was unlucky to come up against a magnificent bitch who knows just how to throw her neck and preen down her nose at exactly the right moment. An honour and a privilege to judge them both. Two greats of the breed.'

A super Midland Counties.


It was another super day at Midland Counties where Irene McManus (Metaxa) judged the Danes. A super sized ring allowed us to move out accordingly and delighted that Irene found Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy - awarding him 1st in his Open Dog class and ultimately is 63rd CC! In addition Tim Ball judged the Eukanuba Champion Stakes and awarded Guy top honours in a hotly contrested class. Tim's critique reads, EUKANUBA CHAMPION STAKES AV Utility/Working Champion D/B (41,21) 1. Chappell’s Ch Selmalda Jealous Guy (AI). 4 yr old brindle Great Dane dog. Super boy who was shown to advantage here and could not be overlooked. All male, carrying excellent bone yet retaining the elegance of the breed. Clean, well arched neck of good length to balance, the best of toplines, excellent ribbing, muscular loins and tail just right for set and carriage. Most impressive head with masculine expression giving desired impression of great length. First class construction, standing foot perfect in front on the best of feet with excellent forechest. When gaiting he covers the ground with sublime carriage and is true both coming and going.

Guy is... 'Dane of the Year'


DANE OF THE YEAR 2024 - BEST IN SHOW From an entry of 65 - Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, BD & BISS (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I are over the moon that Guy has added this accolade to his growing list of achievements and extend our appreciation to our judge Jeanette Park and all those ringside for the support and kind comments.

Wonderful Wales!


It was a cold day in the sheds for the Great Dane Club of Wales Championship Show where Caroline Rees Amical was appointed. From an entry of 64 exhibits she awarded Guy - Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, DCC & BISS (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I are delighted and extend our appreciation to our judge but also the ringside support. Also, to Tammy for the 'official' photo! Congratulations to all the other winners on the day!

Belfast Success!


What a windswept, cold day at Belfast Championship Dog Show 2024 but delighted with the outcome! Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, DCC & BOB (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Ir. Ch. Int. Ch. Selmalda After All At Sundasac 1st Open Bitch & RBCC (Am. Ch. Rojons Legendary Kiss Kiss v Svevo X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi's Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend our sincere thanks to first time judge Diane Anderson (USA) for appreciating both Guy & Margot and awarding them top honours. Also, sincere thanks to Group judge Ernie Paterson for appreciating Guy and his Working Group shortlist. Always great to come over and catch up in Ireland, especially Andy & Fiona with whom we've had a wonderful day together - thank you for your thoughtful gifts! X

Wet And Muddy Richmond!


What a wet and muddy day at Richmond Dog Show Society - but very rewarding! Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, DCC & BOB (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend our sincere thanks to breed judge Nigel Marriner for appreciating Guy and awarding him top honours. Also, sincere thanks to Working Group judge Tom Mather for the lovely Group 4! Really appreciate those who stayed to support in the Group and of course well done to all the other winners on the day! Thanks Tammy for capturing the moment!

The Long and Winding Road to WKC!


Another long, but rewarding, day this time at Welsh Kennel Club. Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 1st Open Bitch, BCC & BOB (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend our sincere thanks to breed judge Lee Cox for appreciating Lori and awarding her top honours. Really appreciate those who stayed to support in the Group and of course well done to all the other winners on the day! Judge Lee Cox’s critique - Open 1: Chappell Ms & Mr Lesley & Adam Ch Selmalda Oh Lori (ai), Fully mature Fawn girl with a breathtaking outline stacked. Her head and expression are a delight. She has size, substance, leg length and depth to chest. Well ribbed back and strong in topline. On the move she puts her feet in the right place in profile. CC & BOB.

Blistering Bournemouth!


A very hot and long day at Bournemouth CA. Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, DCC, BOB & Working Group 2! Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 2nd Open Bitch, RBCC. (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend our sincere thanks to first time judge Barry Blunden for appreciating both Guy & Lori and awarding them top honours. Also, sincere thanks to Group judge Robin Newhouse for appreciating Guy and his Group 2 amidst strong competition. Really appreciate those who stayed to support in the Group and of course well done to all the other winners on the day!

A long, hot Leeds!


A hot and long day at Leeds Championship Dog Show. Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 2nd Open Dog, RDCC Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 1st Open Bitch, BCC, BOB & Group Shortlist (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend our sincere thanks to breed judge Colin Richardson for appreciating both Guy & Lori and awarding them top honours. Great to be shortlisted in such a strong Working Group under Tom Johnston. Really appreciate those who stayed to support in the Group and of course well done to all the other winners on the day! Judge Colin Richardson's critique - My BOB was Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori, and oh my what a lovely example of the breed. She was extremely impressive without any hint of coarseness, with great ring presence, elegance and that look of dash and daring, which is an essential element of the Great Dane. I was pleased to see her make the final cut in the Working Group later, she did not let the breed down. She moved around the ring with drive and purpose, commanded your attention. OB (6,1) A lovely class of top quality bitches. 1. BCC BOB Chappell's Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori, so pleased to see her make the cut in the Working Group, very well done. Exceptional example of the breed who made my day, so typical of this kennels quality stock. Well handled as one would expect. Beautiful head with parallel planes, flat skull and good length of foreface. Strong jaw and size of teeth, excellent bite with no misplaced teeth. Excellent length of neck going into beautiful forequarters which allowed plenty of heart room. Correct length of loin. Good tuck up and has excellent rear angulation and croup. Moved with ground covering stride. Looked as if she owned the ring and wasn't bothered about the heat. Demanded my attention.



Goodnight Ruger. Yesterday we said our final goodbyes. Ch. Selmalda The Journey J.W. (Int. Ch. Multi Ch. Diplomatics Val Kilmer x Ch. Selmalda Rock Ola Baby J.W.) 23/06/14 - 10/07/24 Our heartfelt condolences to Jacqui with whom he lived with, equally Lesley and I will miss the Big Man enormously. It never gets any easier.

Boston CDS Success!


Boston DCS Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC & BOB (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Another wonderful day for Lesley and I with Guy winning his 57th CC & BOB and thank judge Jeff Luscott for appreciating his qualities.

East of England GDC - CC #58!


Back-To-Back with Boston DCS was the EEGDC where Alan Cutter Sr was our appointed judge. Again, Lesley and I pass on sincere thanks for yet another wonderful award - #58! Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC & BOS/RBIS (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.)

Royal Windsor Success.


Windsor Championship Dog Show Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC #56 Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 2nd Open Bitch, RBCC. (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend our sincere thanks to breed judge Carol Nightingale-Gray for appreciating both Guy & Lori and awarding them top honours. And once more many thanks to Tammy for the photo! Well done to all the other winners on the day! Judge Carol Nightingale-Gray's critiques - Open Dog – 5 (1a) A class of four very different type males, but each a worthy champion in their own right. 1st Chappells CH Selmalda Jealous Guy (AI) 4yr old lovely dark brindle. I had the opportunity to judge this dog 2 years ago and gave him the RCC then and wow how he has matured into the beautiful Dane he is today. No doubting that he is all male and not just a worthy champion but our new breed record holder. His outline screams the balance I was looking for. He has a beautiful head with the darkest of eyes and kind expression. Lovely length of neck into correct lay of shoulder and straight well filled front. Level topline and correct croup. Angulation both front and rear as it should be completing a most pleasing picture. Movement was steady and true. This owner knows how to get the best out of this boy and together they didn’t disappoint. Honoured to give him the DCC which I believe was his amazing number 56 ! BOS, RBOB. Open Bitch 2nd Chappell’s CH Selmalda Oh Lori (AI) 4yr old Fawn bitch of different type to 1, but equally a very worthy champion. Smaller in size with bags of substance, She has a pretty head, dark mask, correct in length and breadth and most definitely feminine. Love the way she is always so happy and wags her tail constantly. Good length of neck, well filled straight front, correct angulation front and rear. Moved steady and true. Pleased to award her the RCC.

New Breed Record Holder Advertisement - Our Dogs


Lesley and I are delighted with the advert captured and designed by Anna Szabo and as featured as a double page spread in this weeks Our Dogs. Taken on The Long Walk, Windsor we feel this image reflects Guy in his entirety confirming as the Breeds New Record Holder! YAY!

Blackpool CDS Back-To-Back with Northern GDC


Blackpool Championship Dog Show Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy 1st Open Dog, CC #55 Northern Great Dane Club Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori 2nd Open Bitch, RBCC RBIS (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I extend our sincere thanks to breed judge Marilyn Worsley for appreciating Guy & Ann Bell for thinking so highly of Lori. And once more many thanks to Tammy for the photo! Well done to all the other winners on the day! Judge Marilyn Worsley's critique - 1st Place 5330 - Ch Selmalda Jealous Guy (ai) (Ms L & Mr A Chappell) Well known brindle dog. Difficult to fault when going over him. Stands four square and is well angulated front and rear. Well bodied and of good size. Dog CC Winner.

Happy Double Digit Day


Wishing the ‘Journey’ litter a Happy 10th Birthday, How proud are Lesley & I of these kids - Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W. Ch. Selmalda The Journey J.W. And remembering those who have passed - Ch. Selmalda Journey To Melody At Samdice Selmalda Journey To The Line (Int. Multi. Ch. Diplomatics Val Kilmer x Ch. Selmalda Rock Ola Baby J.W.) They continue their good looks and quality through their multiple Champion offspring. Enjoy your day! X



NEW BREED RECORD HOLDER Ch. Selmalda Jealous Guy (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Was awarded his 54th CC at Border Union AS! Lesley & I are blown away with this achievement, the support, congratulations and well wishes. Totally overwhelming! To all the judges who have and continue to appreciate our Great Danes we thank you all. To our fellow breeders who strive for betterment and allow us to utilise their stud dogs - sincere appreciation!

Oh Lori - tops Southern Counties.


Southern Counties Canine Association Ch. Selmalda Oh Lori (#19) 1st Open Bitch, BCC & BOB Working Group Shortlist (last seven) (Jr. Cr. Ch. Am. Ch. King Arthur De Casaarabel X Ch. Selmalda ZiZi’s Journey J.W.) Lesley and I thank breed judge Philip John for this win! Also, to Dr. Annukka Paloheimo (Finland), Working Group judge, who shortlisted Lori to the final 7 in another quality Group. As always thanks Tammy for the photo (& liver!). Well done to all the other winners on the day! Judge, Philip Johns critique - Best of Breed and Bitch CC went to 5942 - Ch Selmalda Oh Lori (AI) (owned by Ms L & Mr A Chappell) She had a classic head and noble expression, good reach of neck. Excelled in bone and substance, adequate layback of shoulders, deep and roomy chest with good spring of rib, well-formed croup and tail set. Powerful hindquarters and good bend of stifle. She was well-balanced. To be critical I would have liked a freer movement. She had to be cajoled but the handler did well in taking her around. Was happy to see her shortlisted by Annukka Paloheimo in the Group - Annukka said, The Great Dane with aristocratic head and neck and most lovely shape.